Indian head massage is a relaxing holistic treatment based on the ayurvedic system of healing that has been practised in India over over a thousand years. It uses acupressure massage on the head, face, neck and shoulders, and aims to rebalance your body's energies.

While termed a head massage and concentrating on the upper region of the body, Indian head massage offers a comprehensive full-body experience. It invigorates the nerves in the head, promoting relaxation that enhances both mental and physical well-being.

We carry a significant amount of tension in our face, jaw, neck, and shoulders. Once these areas are released, you'll experience a sense of well-being that permeates your entire body. The idea is that when energy cannot flow freely, negative energy accumulates, leading to common issues such as stress and discomfort.

The advantages of Indian head massage are: 

  • It revitalises and harmonises energy levels by engaging the three upper chakras. 
  • It alleviates symptoms of depression and anxiety through relaxation. 
  • It enhances memory function by reducing stress and calming the mind. 
  • It promotes lymphatic drainage by improving blood flow to the neck region.

A full consultation will be done prior to having the treatment to check if this is the best massage for you. 

If you are interested in trying this treatment, please contact me to make a booking.

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